Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Solar News

What happened? The House of Representatives filed a budget bill this morning that would fund the federal government through October 2016. Included is a deal to extend both provisions of the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) at the current 30% until the end of 2019 before phasing it out over several years.
Why does it matter? Don't pop the champagne yet - this ITC extension is not a done deal. The entire bill still needs to be voted on and approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate before being sent to the President for his signature. But, since Congress must pass a budget and members are eager to adjourn for the holidays, prospects are looking good! 

What can you do? It's possible the House could vote as early as Thursday - that's tomorrow! - followed shortly thereafter by a Senate vote. Please call your representatives in both the House and Senate and ask them to support the budget bill! Find their phone numbers here. Or if you can’t make a call, click here to send a note to your representatives.

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